National Park

Steep Cliffs
Wild Water

Gesäuse National Park

Dominated by the uninhibited, raging Enns River and the limestone mountains of the Reichenstein, Buchstein and Hochtor Group, the Gesäuse National Park conceals an inaccessible landscape and a special wealth of species of endemic plants, insects and arachnids. This is how the protected area truly nurtures the unique treasures of our natural heritage.


The protected area covers 12,118 ha and is the only national park in Styria.


52% forest
23.6% rocks/rubble
13.4% mountain pines/shrubs
9.9% alpine lawns/pastures
0.6% settlements
0.5% bodies of water


Founded on 26th October 2002, Gesäuse National Park is the youngest protected area in Austria

Good to know

With over 200 discovered endemic species, the Gesäuse is a genuine hotspot for endemics.

Whitewater with rocks and trees
(c)Stefan Leitner
People standing on a rock
(c)Stefan Leitner

Natural Environment Gesäuse

Rocks, mountain pastures, forest and water – the natural environment of the Gesäuse is multifaceted and dominated by extremes: from the alluvial forests at the River Enns to the highest limestone summit of the Hochtor, a height difference of 1,800 m is covered at a horizontal distance of just a few meters.

The diversity of vegetation and landscape formations is just as impressive: ranging from vegetation in rock crevices, rubble heaps, alpine meadows, groups of dwarf shrubs and fields of mountain pines to colourful mountain pastures, large, spruce-dominated woods and wild rivers.

The Enns river is a particularly dominating figure in the protected area: it creates habitats for many rare species of animals and plants on an unspoilt river section that is almost nine kilometres in length.

A chamois stands on rocks
(c)Lennart Horst
A bird runs on stones
(c)Herfried Marek

Fauna of the Gesäuse

Multifaceted nature – diverse fauna: with its habitats of rocks, mountain pastures, forests and water, the Gesäuse National Park is home to the widest variety of animal species. In addition to numerous species of endemic insects and arachnids, chamois, golden eagles, red deer, otters, graylings, tiger beetles, dippers and grey wagtails can also be found.

The alpine marmot is actually a new inhabitant to the Gesäuse, after having moved here at the beginning of the 20th century.

The National Park territory is also a hotspot for butterflies: 1,234 species (including species protected throughout Europe, such as the marsh fritillary or the Spanish flag butterfly) have already been found.

(c)Christian Komposch

The Megabunus lesserti Schenkel harvestman is one of 150 endemic animal species (meaning it is restricted to one specific geographic area) currently found in the National Park area. In general, arachnids are hidden from human view, given that they live in the vertical limestone rocks of the alpine levels.

A bird runs on stones
(c)Herfried Marek

The sandpiper, an especially rare species of wading bird, can be spotted on the gravel banks and islands of the Gesäuse. Due to the fact it lays its eggs well-camouflaged between the stones and rears its young there, entering gravel banks away from marked exit and entrance points is strictly prohibited.

A chamois stands on rocks
(c)Lennart Horst

The chamois prefer the rocky habitat but are also able to climb down into the valley. Mammals can even be spotted on the steepest rock faces in the Gesäuse National Park. During the mating season that takes place in November, bucks engage in daring pursuits in order to gain the favour of goats.

Flowers with white bloom grow between stones
(c)Andreas Hollinger
Purple flowers on a rock
(c)Matthias Ledwinka

Flora of the Gesäuse

The Gesäuse mountains nurture the often overlooked treasure of unique plants. These endemics include the highly endangered graceful common pink, the north-east alpine poppy and the subalpine Austrian bellflower.

However, the diverse, natural habitats of the Gesäuse also encourage colourful orchids to thrive. Over 50 species have been detected in the National Park and its surrounding area.


A flower in the colour purple
(c)Andreas Hollinger

The graceful common pink can only be seen in the region between Dachstein and Hochschwab. The pink-coloured flowers of the endemic plant species can be seen from May to July and give off a pleasant, honey scent. However, interventions in its habitat mean the attractive plant is highly endangered outside of the National Park.

Flowers with white bloom grow between stones
(c)Andreas Hollinger

The protected north-east alpine poppy is also one of the endemic plant species in Styria. It can be found in the Gesäuse mountains both on the rubble heaps at the higher altitudes and in gravel channels near valleys.

Flowers with yellow blooms on the ground of a forest
(c)Herfired Marek

The lady’s slipper orchid is the largest native species of orchid in Austria and is under strict protection. This plant is interesting, not least because of the special way in which it reproduces, which requires pollination by wild bees. Once these insects have landed in flowers that are insect traps, they can no longer leave the plant without removing a mass of pollen on their backs.

Real Nature
Powerful Experience

Discover Nature

The inaccessible landscape and wild beauty make the Gesäuse a magical place for those who are hungry for adventure. Whether it be hiking, climbing, water sports or ski touring: Austria’s youngest national park is the place for you to enjoy nature in a mindful way and put your muscles to good use.

A river with trees and mountains
(c)Andreas Hollinger
People standing on a rock
(c)Stefan Leitner
A women is sitting on a rock and looking at the mountains
(c)Stefan Leitner

Always something to discover

The beauty of the only National Park in Styria
(c)Johannes Poetscher

Planspitze Mountain

This mountain of extremes is a stark reflection of the variety and contrast of the Gesäuse’s character: hostile and yet popular, forbidding yet approachable, immoveable and fragile. This limestone giant, that is relatively easy to conquer, allows you to gain insights into the nature of the protected area. Anyone who doesn’t feel up to the hike can stay at the bottom of the valley and uncover the secrets of the mountain in the National Park Pavilion at Gstatterboden by paying a visit to the exhibition of the same name.

Two people are walking up a hiking trail in the forest
(c)Max Mauthner

“Wilder John” Themed Trail

The “Wilder John” adventure trail invites visitors to walk along the renaturalised Johnsbach creek. This legend is one fascinating story. The history of “setting the wild river free” is made into an adventure for the whole family to enjoy. The themed trail departs from Weidendom car park, covers 3.5 kilometres (return) and is open from the beginning of May until the end of October.

River and mountain at night
(c)Andreas Hollinger
A women with a backpack stands in a meadow with flowers and stones and is looks at the mountains
(c)Stefan Leitner

Gesäuse Photography School

Impressive starlit skies, numerous species of orchid and rugged natural beauty make the Gesäuse a hotspot for nature photography. The local photography school offers seminars, workshops and photographic walks to camera enthusiasts all year-round. During the summer months, the Gesäuse Photo Festival provides additional inspiration with numerous exhibitions and events.

The Best Start
to Experiencing Nature

Experience even more

Rocks, forests, soil and water have a lot of stories to tell at the Gesäuse National Park. The range of activities and information available to visitors makes sure their stories can be heard.

Gesäuse National Park Centre
(c)Stefan Leitner
Pasture Dome Adventure Centre in the Gesäuse National Park
(c)Stefan Leitner

National Park Adventure Centre Weidendom

The living structure of the Weidendom has taken root on the bank of the Enns river, surrounded by a unique mountain panorama. With its research workshop, diverse offers and islands of tranquillity, it takes you into the fascinating world of aquatic and terrestrial life. When using a microscope under the expert guidance of the National Park rangers, no mystery of nature is left unsolved.



National Park Weidendom Discovery Centre

(At Gasthof zur Bachbrücke: Krumau 97, 8911 Admont)
Tel.: +43 (3613) 211 60-20

Ennstal visitor center in the Gesaeuse National Park.
(c)NPG web

Information Office Admont

As a shared information point for the Gesäuse National Park and the Tourism Association, the service point shall provide comprehensive information about adventure opportunities and tourist attractions in the region.



Gesäuse National Park Information Office

Hauptstraße 35, 8911 Admont
Tel.: +43 (3613) 21160 20

(c)Andreas Hollinger

National Park Pavilion Gstatterboden

The conveniently located pavilion at Gstatterboden is the starting point for numerous (guided) walks. In addition to the information point, restaurant, sun terrace, children’s playground and shop, the building also houses an exciting and diverse exhibition on Planspitze.



National Park Pavilion Gstatterboden

Gstatterboden 10, 8913 Gstatterboden
Tel.: +43 (3613) 21160 20

Contact and Directions

Nationalpark Gesäuse Informationsbüro

Hauptstraße 35
8911 Admont
Tel.: +43 3613 21160 20

Nationalpark Gesäuse GmbH
Weng 2
8913 Admont
Tel.: +43 3613 21000


Supported by the Federal Government and the European Union.

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